Meet Your New Smile: Porcelain Veneers

Cosmetic dentistry can change your life by transforming your smile, and few cosmetic dentistry treatments are quite as popular for smile makeovers as porcelain veneers. Porcelain veneers are versatile, offering a solution for several different smile enhancements. As same-day cosmetic dentists, Dr. Thomas Lakebrink, Dr. D. Alexander Mitts, Dr. Ise d’Angelo, and Dr. Nika d’Angelo provide porcelain veneers at our Liberty, MO , Kansas City, MO dental office.

What types of problems can porcelain veneers cover?

  • Crooked Teeth

  • Stains

  • Chips

  • Gaps

  • Uneven Teeth

Porcelain provides a natural appearance, so there’s no need to worry that anyone will notice you’ve had cosmetic dentistry work done – all they’ll notice is your dazzling smile!

What to Expect

During your initial consultation at our office, our CAD/CAM Specialist, Carilee takes digital impressions of your existing tooth structure to determine what size, fit, and shape of tooth would look best with your smile.  We utilize our advanced CAD/CAM technology to fabricate porcelain veneers chairside while you're here for your visit in most cases.  Voila! You'll have a brand new smile. We recommend scheduling a consultation with Dr. Lakebrink, Dr. Mitts, Dr. Ise d’Angelo, or Dr. Nika d’Angelo for an evaluation to determine if you would be a candidate for this type of dental procedure.

If we’ve piqued your interest in porcelain veneers, contact us to make an appointment and learn more.  If you’re looking for a complete smile makeover, entrust your care to Lakebrink-Mitts Dental, where advanced technology and patient comfort meet, producing happy, satisfied smiles.